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TUE, OCT 1, 2024
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, OCT 26, 2024
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, NOV 5, 2024
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SUN, NOV 17, 2024
Mitzvah Mall, Noon-3pm, Congregation Beth Sholom, 7525 E Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage

SAT, NOV 23, 2024
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, DEC 3, 2024
Holiday Potluck AND Board Elections
(In-person and Zoom)

SAT, DEC 28, 2024
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)


TUE, JAN 7, 2025
Educational Meeting

SAT, JAN 25, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, FEB 4, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, FEB 22, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, MAR 4, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (In-person and Zoom)

SAT, MAR 22, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, APR 1, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, APR 26, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, MAY 6, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, MAY 17, 2025
"Reading Rendezvous" on the Loussac Library lawn 12-4pm

SAT, MAY 24, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, JUN 3, 2025

SAT, JUN 21, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

SAT, JUN 21, 2025
Bird Club Picnic, Abbott Park, 11AM-3PM

TUE, JUL 1, 2025

SAT, JUL 26, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM

TUE, AUG 5, 2025
Educational Meeting

SAT, AUG 23, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, SEP 2, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (In-person and Zoom)

SAT, SEP 27, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, OCT 7, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)


Bird of the Month: April 2009
Muttermonster Puffycheecks III, formerly known as Monkey

Muttermonster Puffycheecks III formerly known as Monkey: What is so interesting?

Monkey, A Funny Quaker
By Karen Medkeff

My husband and I received a call around Thanksgiving, 2007. The Lost and Found Rescue Committee had found a Quaker parrot and needed a foster home. He was so cold; he couldn’t even hold a cracker. The first few days, he was pretty quiet. Then he found his voice. Mostly it was just screeches with an occasional quieter noise thrown in.

His name started to evolve as his personality came forth and is now Monkey Chatterbox Muttermonster Puffycheeks III; known formally as Monkey.

He would sit on Jeff’s shoulder while he did work and would even fall asleep against his cheek. Being asthmatic, Jeff would cough sometimes. Monkey picked this up pretty quickly and now loves to cough. He also likes to chew with us.

He wormed his way into our hearts and the hearts of all our friends.

Whatever it was it must not have been
very important.

After my husband died, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to keep him. I already have two dogs and a cat. I realized that he is a fairly easy bird to take care of and I could not see just giving him up, since he tells me he loves me all the time.

Monkey started going to work with me so he could be more socialized. He loves it! He is a wonderful advocate for birds.

Some of my staff used to be scared of birds and Monkey lets them hold him and he talks with them. Some of our clients want to come back and see him.



The Alaska Bird Club • P.O. Box 101825 • Anchorage AK 99510
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alaskabirdclub/
Email: akbirdclub@yahoo.com
Voice mail: (907) 868-9070